Combat Winter’s Dry Skin, Portland Hot Tub Repair, Swim Spa Service

December 26th, 2017

Converting your tub over to SilkBalance can revolutionize your hot tub soaking! It’s easier to care for your hot tub water and keep your skin silky and soft to the touch after every soak.

SilkBalance Uses the Silkening Properties of Sea Salt
SilkBalance is made up of a proprietary formula of water balancing products. But because this product is buffered, it doesn’t have the same “skin drying” effect of regular hot tub chemicals. Part of its success in counteracting dry skin is sea salt. Sea salt has long been known to aid against drying skin, actually assisting in locking in your skin’s moisture.
SilkBalance Also Makes Maintaining Your Hot Tub Water Easier!
Forget about using calcium hardness, alkalinity, pH balancers, metal control and testing. Adding a small amount of SilkBalance to your tub water once a week keeps the water balanced, smelling great, AND softening your skin while you soak! It really is terrific.
Contact our Service Center Today to Find Out How to Switch Your Hot Tub Over to SilkBalance
Better yet, let us do it for you! We created our “Silky Service”, which brings one of our valet techs out to your home to drain your tub, detail it, ready it for SilkBalance, and get you started with this terrific new answer to water care and soft skin.
Need Help Getting All This Done?
If all of this seems overwhelming or you just can’t find the time to do it, let our professionally certified technicians do it for you.
Our Signature Spa Care Service will take care of all the winter prep work to ensure your tub is in perfect condition when you need it most.
To Learn About Our Hot Tub, Swim Spa and Sauna Service, Repair and Maintenance Options, just give us a call at: ? 503-941-9004 or go to:
16205 NW Bethany Ct, Suite 109
Beaverton, OR 97006