Hooray, it’s summer! If you’re one of those people getting ready to ramp up your hot tub use, here are five important things to remember to keep your hot tub water healthy for soaking:
Never soak in cloudy water
A number of things can cause cloudy hot tub water, most importantly, not having enough sanitizer in the tub to prevent bacteria growth. Other things that can cause cloudy water include: too much calcium hardness, pH that’s too high and detergents from swimsuits.. Use a sanitizer after every soak and activate the clean cycle.
Keep your hot tub filters in excellent shape
If you haven’t replaced your hot tub filters in the last two years, you likely need new ones. If you don’t need a new filter, the ones you have need to be cleaned monthly. Pick up a quality filter cleaner today at one of our showrooms and be sure your filters are in excellent cleaning condition.
Make sure your ozone system is working
Ozone is a terrific way to keep water healthy. But even good ozone systems typically last for about three years before they quit producing ozone. Call our Service Center to talk about testing your ozone system and see if it’s still working properly. If not, consider a new ozone system today.
Test your water!!
You’ve invested in a terrific hot tub. You owe it to yourself to keep it in great shape. Water that’s out of balance causes skin irritation, burning eyes, odor, and eats up sanitizer that you need to kill bacteria. Out of balance water ruins parts that are not cheap to replace! Testing water isn’t hard, thanks to simple test strips that do the task in seconds.
If you’re just too busy to do all of this…why not take advantage of our Signature Spa Care?
Our team can tackle the job, get your tub refilled and your water balanced and ready for your enjoyment. It’s a nice treat and you’ll be thrilled with the results!
To Learn About Our Hot Tub, Swim Spa and Sauna Service, Repair and Maintenance Options, just give us a call at: ? 503-941-9004 or go to: https://AllSpa.com
16205 NW Bethany Ct, Suite 109
Beaverton, OR 97006