16205 NW Bethany Ct, Suite 109, Beaverton, OR 97006 | 503-941-9004

2680 NE Highway 20, Suite 200, Bend, OR, 97701 | 541-383-0977

16205 NW Bethany Ct, Suite 109, Beaverton, OR 97006


16205 NW Bethany Ct, Suite 109, Beaverton, OR 97006


We Are Trade Certified

The most important question you should ask before hiring a local small business, trade professional, or service center is “Are you Trade Certified?

We are the only Trade Certified hot tub service and repair center in Oregon.

What does Trade Certified mean?

Every business is going to tell you they have the best products, service, and hundreds of happy customers. But rarely can these claims be substantiated, until now.

Buying from a Trade Certified™ company means you have selected an elite local business based on independent, audited criteria related to sales, service, operations, and customer satisfaction.


Standard Best Practice Benchmarks Are Used To Identify The Best

Less Than 2%

Earn This Coveted Industry Award

AllSpa Is The Only Trade Certified Dealer in Oregon

What does Trade Certified mean?

Every business is going to tell you they have the best products, service, and hundreds of happy customers. But rarely can these claims be substantiated, until now.

Buying from a Trade Certified™ company means you have selected an elite local business based on independent, audited criteria related to sales, service, operations, and customer satisfaction.


Standard Best Practice Benchmarks Are Used To Identify The Best

Less Than 2%

Earn This Coveted Industry Award